With the huge spotlight on the federal workforce and continued competition against the private sector, OPM and other agencies are rapidly pushing hard on new hiring initiatives, including the launch of new job sites within USAJOBS, such as the Federal Tech Portal and agency-branded search pages. In order to support these pages, MonsterGov implemented custom MCO tagging capability into the MHME federal talent acquisition system (Release 4.15.2), which complements the existing MCO tag functionality. With this custom MCO tag capability, agency administrators can determine which portals are applicable to their agency and quickly make them available to their user community without needing configuration support from MonsterGov. Agencies now have the flexibility and control to participate in new and upcoming job promotion pages more quickly.  

To leverage custom tags, system administrators will have to add the custom tag into the system through the Administrator tool. Then, users can select the relevant custom tag during the vacancy building process. For additional information on using custom tags in MHME, please refer to this quick guide here

For more information on government-wide USAJOBS job sites, visit our page here. 

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